America’s Greatest Shame

This is a very interesting read about how America seems to have a one-sided conversation about slavery, if that.

America avoids the discussion of slavery because they know it shows the true ugliness of America’s history. When actually mentioning its slavery past, it seems that America attempts to justify their actions. Saying that there were other countries that started slavery way before America did, and stating that slavery was a gift to African Americans because they were better off in America, making slavery the small price to pay to getting out of Africa.

The lack of education in schools and real discussions about the injustices that occurred in the past regarding slavery is the reason this avoidance of conversation occurs. This subject is something that “forces us to then commit to structural changes that the country has not yet gotten ready to address, changes having to do with discriminatory practices — an unequal education system, unequal employment, unequal housing and how we teach our history without including all Americans.” Clearly, America is not ready to face their past mistakes, but this needs to be done to make America the country that represents the views that it supposedly obtains.


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