NRA and being Black with Killer Mike

The increase of school shootings have created a shock wave throughout the country.  The March for Our Lives took place on March 24 where hundred of thousands gathered to protest over gun reform.  The highlight were survivors of  the  Parkland school shooting helped push the event forward.

There are various reasons for opposition to gun reform because people have disagreed with the idea of taking away their guns especially the responsible gun owners.  Other opposition is individuals who don’t understand how this movement is getting picked up so fast while Black Lives Matter is still being fought hard for.

The possession of guns is a constitutional right which is our 2nd Amendment. The conversation on how to handle this debate will depend on multiple factors from people giving up their guns, the raising the age  of those who can buy guns, should teachers have guns, and many others options.

Killer Mike, a rapper and activist, who is supportive about the use of people owning guns decided to go on the NRA to express his concerns. His decision to not only be pro-gun but go to the NRA which has ignored the issues of #BLACKLIVESMATTER by not speaking up when Philando Castile, who was killed while possessing a gun, died.


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